
There Are So Many Sweet Things to Think About

A few thoughts by a housewife, written in 1932…. As I stood ironing yesterday, my mind began to dwell on little troubles, misunderstandings, the slight of a supposed friend, problems which were beyond my control. And as my mind clung to such thoughts, each trouble, or misunderstanding, or slight, seemed to grow and grow and become almost unbearable till I…

How a Housewife in 1919 Lived in the Summer

The specifics are a little different in 2023, but on the whole, things haven’t changed a lot in the past 100+ years. We still prefer lighter, fresher meals cooked outside in hot weather. There’s an abundance of garden produce that we need to preserve. End-of-summer sales are a good time to stock up and in spite of air conditioning, we…

A Homemaker at Home- 1907
A Homemaker at Home- 1907

From my farm I can see most of the world; and if I wait here long enough all people pass this way. David Grayson, 1907 I ran across this sentence and took a second look at it. It wasn’t specifically written from a housewife’s perspective, but I think it’s meaningful. I haven’t always been a housewife, of course. I spent…

How to Can Juneberries (and the best Juneberry sauce recipe)
How to Can Juneberries (and the best Juneberry sauce recipe)

Here’s a straightforward, easy way to can juneberries so you can enjoy them all year. Plus, I share with you my favorite way to use them. It’s even easier than canning them! An unique berry I scour my seed catalogs every winter, looking for something interesting and unique-to-me to grow in my garden. While it’s fun to master the challenge…