About A Housewife Writes

“The world would go on just the same if there were not a woman in the professions. It would come to speedy ruin if there were no women in the home.”  

-Kate Field, 19th century journalist, lecturer, and actress

Is homemaking really a valid career choice for modern times like ours?

Is it OK to make your home and family your profession?

Not only is it possible, it’s a fulfilling career choice. After all, it IS women’s oldest profession and just as essential today as it was for Eve in Eden.

We think the past has a lot of relevance for modern women. No, not just a cozy cottage aesthetic. Some of the thousands and thousands of housewives through history wrote down their wisdom, practical ideas, and unique perspectives and we like to share them on this blog.

Just like us, these women tried to save money, figure out what to feed their people every day, and tried to make a home their family’s favorite place to be.

Amalia has been a housewife since she married in 2008. She spent the first 13 years of her marriage living in a small Wisconsin town in a home owned by her husband’s family since the 1940s. In the fall of 2021, she and her husband decided to jump at the opportunity of a great adventure and moved to Texas. You can read more about her move here.

Laurie is a Wisconsin housewife, living in an old farmhouse on a small acreage. She never tires of gazing at the beautiful scenery all around her or her flower garden in the summer. When the day’s work is done, she can be found with feet up, working on her latest hand-sewing project. Laurie is the author of four books in The Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt series and The Bible Sampler Quilt.