
Being a Loyal Wife–Observations from the 1930s
Being a Loyal Wife–Observations from the 1930s

Letter 1, 1937– It seems I am never with some of my married friends–girls my own age as well as those of the older generation–but they are complaining about their husbands, or criticizing them, one way or another. Perhaps you would not call that a lack of loyalty, but I feel that it is. I have been with these same…

5 Alternatives to Freezer Meals
5 Alternatives to Freezer Meals

Freezer meals. Love ’em or hate ’em? If you’re not a fan, try these freezer meal alternatives that may fit your busy lifestyle. For every second-rate housekeeper I ever knew was wont to declare that the hardest thing in her life was to tell what to get for three meals a day. ~1884 I hear so much praise for big…

A Formula for Happiness–Advice for Newlyweds
A Formula for Happiness–Advice for Newlyweds

Although this is some advice for newlyweds, anyone that interacts with another human can find some usefulness here. This short article was written in 1936. The little neighbor boy who used to catch polywogs with me has suddenly grown up and married, and I’ve written him a letter. It’s mostly congratulations, of course, with one tiny bit of advice for…