
Being a Loyal Wife–Observations from the 1930s
Being a Loyal Wife–Observations from the 1930s

Letter 1, 1937– It seems I am never with some of my married friends–girls my own age as well as those of the older generation–but they are complaining about their husbands, or criticizing them, one way or another. Perhaps you would not call that a lack of loyalty, but I feel that it is. I have been with these same…

5 Reasons to Love a Career as a Housewife
5 Reasons to Love a Career as a Housewife

For all of the women that make being a housewife their career, there are reasons to love your job. Here are my top 5 reasons. It takes a genius to be a first-rate housekeeper. -1884 Well, that explains a lot. Mystery solved. Now I know why I still haven’t figured this whole housewifery thing out. No one’s ever referred to…

Homemaking–it’s a real job
Homemaking–it’s a real job

Is homemaking truly a job? When a wife says, “I’m a homemaker,” many people only hear it to mean “I don’t have to work.” How does a homemaker respond to that bit of ridiculousness? Nothing could be further from the truth! Unfortunately, that attitude has persisted for generations. Enjoy part 1 of this essay. It was written in 1932, by…