“Growing Old” is not a very welcome subject in America just now. [Or in 2024, for that matter!] Beauty experts and Keep-young-societies are filling the land with Anti-wrinkle Truth, yet the simple fact remains that our yesterdays do not come back. For most people, the advancing years are a blessing for through them we grow away from the follies and…
Some thoughts written in 1931 by a woman in Wyoming on the small courtesies that make life better for everyone– Recently I bought a dress and hat at a local shop kept by a women. Early in life, she was suddenly and without preparation thrust into the position of breadwinner for herself and husband. Through the various ups and downs…
“I have observed that we are now faced with a lesson our ancestors never even dreamed of having to learn–that is the lesson of knowing how to stay at home and enjoy the blessings of home culture.” -1905 The writer goes on to mention the early 1900s trends of “rapid transit, cheap rates, and easy theatricals” that have made people…
Letter 1, 1937– It seems I am never with some of my married friends–girls my own age as well as those of the older generation–but they are complaining about their husbands, or criticizing them, one way or another. Perhaps you would not call that a lack of loyalty, but I feel that it is. I have been with these same…