Do you ever sing in your family together? A little tidbit worth sharing and hopefully, taken to heart….
There’s not enough singing in this world–of that I’m convinced. I don’t mean singing on the radio, in school or churches. I mean to sing as a family.

Before our family grew up and married we were always singing. On Saturdays one sister and I might be upstairs making beds and dusting, another sister might be in the living room washing floors and Mother might be in the kitchen baking, but we were all singing, and, if working close enough together, we sang “parts” to make harmony.
Sunday was the only day Dad had much time to spend with us. We never left the Sunday table–dinner or supper–without him getting someone to play the piano and the rest of us to sing. Now that I’m married and away from home, I miss those good times. Some of the happiest memories of my dad and mother are of the times when they both joined us and our friends around the piano.
If there were more singing in family life, there would be fewer arguments and more joy. When your feelings are hurt, sing, and you will soon be happier. It is simple but it works.
From Minnesota, 1936
Martha, that’s hilarious!! Nobody in our family had a singing voice. If someone did start to sing, everyone else would howl and we’d all either collapse into laughter or sing worse. However, we were a game playing family!
Same here! We’re caterwaulers from way back. I do have one brother who actually leads the music at his church. I think the rest of us feel that he’s somehow not very loyal to family tradition.
Games, on the other hand, look out….
Thanks for the Grandmother stories. G. #2 must have been a real character!
I miss hearing my Grandmother sing in the garden. She always enjoyed it so. My other Grandmother sang mostly when Grandpa made her angry. Her favorite song was “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder” because it was her way of telling Grandpa where HE wasn’t going to be! LOL