A Housewife Writes

Time management: a 1928 Homemaking Routine
Time management: a 1928 Homemaking Routine

Do you have a good homemaking routine? A Housewife Writes focuses on several recurring themes common to women everywhere.  One of them is managing time and finding the right homemaking routine. It’s interesting to read about different approaches, because what works for one may help someone else–or not.  So from time to time, we present different women’s strategies. Here is…

Five Reasons to Love the Humble Jar of Jam

For the last couple of years I’ve noticed turned-up noses when it comes to jams, jellies, and all preserves in general. It seems to be on the Not Trendy list at the moment. It’s baffling to me. Maybe people are trying to avoid sweets (doubtful, given the other things they eat copiously) or people don’t see jam as anything but…

A Bullet Journal–A Homemaking Essential

Do you see a bullet journal as a homemaking tool? After many years, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is, and for me, it’s essential. I’ll explain. First and foremost, [a homemaker] must learn to systemize her work. Method and management do wonders toward saving time and money. Some housewives are always in a hurry and their work is…

The Charm of Home in the Winter
The Charm of Home in the Winter

This essay first appeared in the January 1924 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine–100 years ago this month. There is no time like winter time to turn the human heart toward home. Summer days are days of roaming, when the hills call and the woods beckon and there is invitation everywhere to be up and away. And home is a resting…