A Housewife Writes

5 Breakfasts in an Egg Shortage

Eggs, the shortage du jour. I feel like we’ve all learned to accept the plague of the month and whatever upheaval accompanies it. At the moment (at least in the USA), it’s the bird flu that’s left us with expensive eggs or sometimes, hard to find eggs. Supplies may occasionally run low and they may be ridiculously expensive in some…

A Housewife Who Loves History

Who cares about housewife history? “That’s the past! Time marches on! Progress, y’know? I’m no tradwife!” I’m not what people call a tradwife, either. I wouldn’t be eligible for membership if I wanted to be one. There isn’t a single prairie dress in my closet, I use (gasp) ziploc bags, and I don’t cook by candlelight. Yet, my homemaking has…

Vintage Christmas Stories (many are free!)

This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here. Here we are again, smack dab into another Christmas season. However, to be perfectly honest, in this home, the Christmas season runs from November 1st to January 1st-ish. My goal is to jam-pack the two months with Christmas music, lights, movies, food, and hopefully a blizzard. Getting my fill…

Grow Old with Grace by Living Gratefully; 1928
Grow Old with Grace by Living Gratefully; 1928

“Growing Old” is not a very welcome subject in America just now. [Or in 2024, for that matter!] Beauty experts and Keep-young-societies are filling the land with Anti-wrinkle Truth, yet the simple fact remains that our yesterdays do not come back. For most people, the advancing years are a blessing for through them we grow away from the follies and…