A Housewife Writes–the book! It’s Available!

A Housewife Writes–the book! It’s Available!

Update: A Housewife Writes, Vol. 1 is now also available in paperback.

We’d like to announce that our book, A Housewife Writes: What Our Grandmothers Can Teach Us About Making a Home, is now available. The book is a compilation of 48 excerpts, written by ordinary, everyday women of the early 1900s. Through their writings, they share glimpses of their lives and families from their vastly differing perspectives. These women, who write from all stages of life, give us a picture of a time that’s been largely lost to history.

a Housewife writes

Click here to read one of the articles that we’ve featured in A Housewife Writes. Thank you for your interest and support over the past few years.

We’ll let you know when we release the next book in the series!


  1. Are the books only going to be on Kindle? I don’t do Kindle or ebooks. Got to have that hardcopy, even if it is a pdf to print and read. It sounds wonderful!

    1. We’re working on the paperback version right now. Hopefully we’ll be able to add that option in the next day or so!

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