A Housewife Writes

Being a Loyal Wife–Observations from the 1930s
Being a Loyal Wife–Observations from the 1930s

Letter 1, 1937– It seems I am never with some of my married friends–girls my own age as well as those of the older generation–but they are complaining about their husbands, or criticizing them, one way or another. Perhaps you would not call that a lack of loyalty, but I feel that it is. I have been with these same…

Hard Work and Happiness (and an announcement)

Have you ever considered that hard work and happiness typically go together? Laurie and I are putting the finishing touches on our first joint book, which will be available later this month. (Update: It’s released now! Click here to get your own copy.) It’s called A Housewife Writes: What Our Grandmothers Can Teach Us About Making a Home. It’s a…

A Time for Silence at Home

The silence that I was always compelled to fill up has become beautiful to me, as well. I’ve become accustomed to being quiet with my own thoughts, and now–especially when I do chores such as washing the dishes–I can be centered and meditative in a way I never could be when I was either listening to talk radio or had…

Your homemaking specialty
Your homemaking specialty

Do you have a homemaking specialty? You have interests that lie in a certain direction and by default, you’re probably naturally skilled in that interest. Why not expand beyond your natural skill and cultivate it and make it something that you excel in? No woman can excel in every particular. If she takes the lead in one branch of industry,…